String of the Year 2022

Welcome to our first-ever string of the year in association with Tennis-Point US.

There are so many strings to choose from and we want you to help us choose the best string. We've tried to maintain a high group level on the strings as there would have been too many! We've omitted gauge, colour and some minor variations.

We based this on feedback from a question we asked last month on our Instagram stories as well as popular sellers on Tennis-Point and have chosen 49 popular strings. If we have left out your string please let us and we can possibly include it in 2023.

Head over to stories on the Functional Tennis Instagram a/c to get voting. You can see the draw(bracket) below and the votes and if you want to find out more about these strings check them out on the Tennis-Point site here.


If you want to get info and pricing on all the strings head over to the Tennis Point site here

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